Flood clear-up triggers demand for women`s workwear
Released on = July 31, 2007, 5:05 am
Press Release Author = Louise Bolotin / PlainText
Industry = Construction
Press Release Summary = New clothing line designed specially for women in construction industry
Press Release Body = As the clear-up from this summer's floods gets underway, professional tradeswomen will find their job has just been made much easier. Manual trades are physically demanding, even more so when women in the industry have no alternative but to wear ill-fitting and uncomfortable men's overalls while on the job.
The number of women working in the UK construction industry is around 14,000 and growing annually.* This figure does not include self-employed tradeswomen or enthusiastic women DIYers. New online clothing retailer, AardvarkClothing.com, has designed a range of workwear to cater for the growing number of female plumbers, builders and electricians. The overalls and dungarees are styled and cut to fit women's bodies, come in a range of standard women's sizes and are available in a selection of attractive colours.
Aardvark founder Julia Lamont-Weiss spotted the gap in the market for women's workwear while watching popular TV programme Scrap Heap Challenge. She said: "I noticed that an all-women team was dressed in men's workwear. I decided to do some research into the market and discovered that no British companies supply workwear for women, forcing them to wear industrial clothing designed for men."
AardvarkClothing.com is the UK's first workwear clothing label developed by women for women. The company is dedicated to developing a product range for both professional tradeswomen and domestic "handywomen" and uses only manufacturers who are keen to revolutionise the way women\'s workwear is made. Aardvark's range of female workwear is available exclusively online - the clothing is practical, hard-wearing and manufactured from top quality pre-shrunk polyester/cotton fabric.
Aardvark's next goal is to expand the range of work & safety wear for women, to include items such as hard hats and steel toe-cap boots in smaller sizes, which are currently very difficult to find. Aardvark also plans to widen the choice of colours and sizes of its overalls and dungarees. Eventually, Aardvark hopes to be able to offer a bespoke service for tradeswomen.
*) Figures from Women and Manual Trades.
Notes for editors: 1. Julia Lamont-Weiss founded Aardvark Clothing in 2006. 2. She is available for interview. 3. Contact details: Julia Lamont-Weiss, Aardvark Clothing, 24 Dumont Road, London N16 0NS. Tel: +44 0790 999 0852. Email: info@aardvarkclothing.com Website: www.aardvarkclothing.com 4. Product photographs are available.
Web Site = http://www.aardvarkclothing.com
Contact Details = Julia Lamont-Weiss, Aardvark Clothing, 24 Dumont Road, London N16 0NS. Tel: +44 0790 999 0852. Email: info@aardvarkclothing.com
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